خدمات درمان پزشكي اتباع خارجي ( بيگانه )

Cosmetic plastic surgery in Iran

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Cosmetic plastic surgery in Iran

What is cosmetic plastic surgery?

Cosmetic plastic surgery is done to change your appearance. For some, it may mean redesigning the body’s contour and shape, smoothing wrinkles, or eliminating balding areas. Others may choose varicose vein treatment or breast augmentation. There are a number of cosmetic surgery procedures that men and women can choose from to create an image that makes them feel more confident and comfortable with their appearance.

Although health insurance rarely covers the cost of cosmetic procedures, the number of people deciding to have cosmetic plastic surgery continues to grow. The top cosmetic surgeries are breast augmentation and prosthesis, liposuction, nose reshaping(rhinoplasty), hair transplant, eyelid surgery(blepharoplasty), tummy tuck, and facelift.

Cosmetic plastic surgery costs in Iran at TebMedTourism Company:

Medical tourism is a new, growing trend in Iran because of all these top quality doctors and surgeons who are operating different types of plastic surgeries.

It’s too efficient and economical to have your plastic surgery done in Iran in comparison with other countries of the world. You can get the advantage of the best quality and the best price at the same time. Patients’ satisfaction is one of the reasons that make people to undergo their plastic surgeries in Iran.

The top-notch quality of plastic surgeons and surgeries as well as the low price of this surgery in Iran has caused a massive population of people around the world to be pulled into this country. Iran gets a vast number of foreigners annually who seek to have their cosmetic surgeries in Iran.

Cosmetic plastic surgery in Iran

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Cosmetic plastic surgery in Iran

What is cosmetic plastic surgery?

Cosmetic plastic surgery is done to change your appearance. For some, it may mean redesigning the body’s contour and shape, smoothing wrinkles, or eliminating balding areas. Others may choose varicose vein treatment or breast augmentation. There are a number of cosmetic surgery procedures that men and women can choose from to create an image that makes them feel more confident and comfortable with their appearance.

Although health insurance rarely covers the cost of cosmetic procedures, the number of people deciding to have cosmetic plastic surgery continues to grow. The top cosmetic surgeries are breast augmentation and prosthesis, liposuction, nose reshaping(rhinoplasty), hair transplant, eyelid surgery(blepharoplasty), tummy tuck, and facelift.

Cosmetic plastic surgery costs in Iran at TebMedTourism Company:

Medical tourism is a new, growing trend in Iran because of all these top quality doctors and surgeons who are operating different types of plastic surgeries.

It’s too efficient and economical to have your plastic surgery done in Iran in comparison with other countries of the world. You can get the advantage of the best quality and the best price at the same time. Patients’ satisfaction is one of the reasons that make people to undergo their plastic surgeries in Iran.

The top-notch quality of plastic surgeons and surgeries as well as the low price of this surgery in Iran has caused a massive population of people around the world to be pulled into this country. Iran gets a vast number of foreigners annually who seek to have their cosmetic surgeries in Iran.


Sleeve weight loss surgery in Iran

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Sleeve weight loss surgery in Iran

The first day after surgery, you’ll drink clear liquids. By the time you leave the hospital, you can eat pureed foods and protein shakes and will continue to do so for about 4 weeks.

Keep in mind that you have to change the way you eat forever. After that first month, you’ll switch to eating soft solid foods very slowly. Other pointers to keep in mind:

  • Everything must be chewed thoroughly before being swallowed.
  • Don’t drink while you eat, as this might cause your new stomach to overfill.
  • Drink liquids a half-hour after finishing a meal.
  • Avoid high-calorie sodas and snacks.
  • Take vitamin and mineral supplements every day.

After 2 or 3 months, you can move on to regular meals. But remember, you will not be able to eat as much as you used to. Sleeve weight loss surgery

A gastric sleeve surgery will dramatically reduce your calorie intake. You can eat normally but you will want much smaller portions during a meal. It can lead to dramatic weight loss in a relatively short period. In clinical studies, patients lost an average of 66% of their excess weight.

By weighing less, patients should also find it much easier to move around and carry out normal everyday activities.

As this surgery preserves the pylorus, the valve that regulates emptying of the stomach, it allows food to stay in the stomach for a while, making you feel full while the food trickles out.

There is no rearrangement of the bowel with a gastric sleeve surgery therefore dumping, which may occur to gastric bypass patients when their undigested stomach contents are “dumped” into their small intestine too quickly, should not a problem. Also, sleeve gastrectomy doesn’t affect the absorption of food, so nutritional deficiencies are less likely to occur⁴.

The part of your stomach that contains cells with an appetite prompting hormone, called ghrelin, has been removed during surgery, therefore, your hunger should be reduced in this procedure more than other weight loss surgical procedures such as gastric banding.

Sleeve weight loss surgery in Iran

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Sleeve weight loss surgery in Iran

The first day after surgery, you’ll drink clear liquids. By the time you leave the hospital, you can eat pureed foods and protein shakes and will continue to do so for about 4 weeks.

Keep in mind that you have to change the way you eat forever. After that first month, you’ll switch to eating soft solid foods very slowly. Other pointers to keep in mind:

  • Everything must be chewed thoroughly before being swallowed.
  • Don’t drink while you eat, as this might cause your new stomach to overfill.
  • Drink liquids a half-hour after finishing a meal.
  • Avoid high-calorie sodas and snacks.
  • Take vitamin and mineral supplements every day.

After 2 or 3 months, you can move on to regular meals. But remember, you will not be able to eat as much as you used to. Sleeve weight loss surgery

A gastric sleeve surgery will dramatically reduce your calorie intake. You can eat normally but you will want much smaller portions during a meal. It can lead to dramatic weight loss in a relatively short period. In clinical studies, patients lost an average of 66% of their excess weight.

By weighing less, patients should also find it much easier to move around and carry out normal everyday activities.

As this surgery preserves the pylorus, the valve that regulates emptying of the stomach, it allows food to stay in the stomach for a while, making you feel full while the food trickles out.

There is no rearrangement of the bowel with a gastric sleeve surgery therefore dumping, which may occur to gastric bypass patients when their undigested stomach contents are “dumped” into their small intestine too quickly, should not a problem. Also, sleeve gastrectomy doesn’t affect the absorption of food, so nutritional deficiencies are less likely to occur⁴.

The part of your stomach that contains cells with an appetite prompting hormone, called ghrelin, has been removed during surgery, therefore, your hunger should be reduced in this procedure more than other weight loss surgical procedures such as gastric banding.


Sleeve weight loss surgery

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Sleeve weight loss surgery

Sleeve weight loss surgery :Are you considering gastric sleeve surgery because you’ve tried diets and exercise for years and still have a lot of weight to lose? You’ll want to know the risks and benefits, what makes someone a good candidate for the operation, and what long-term commitments you need to make to keep the results.

In this operation, surgeons remove part of your stomach and join the remaining portions together to make a new banana-sized stomach or “sleeve.” With just a small sack (about 1/10th the size of your original stomach), you’ll feel full a lot quicker than you did before. You won’t be able to eat as much as you used to, which helps you lose weight. Plus, the surgery removes the part of your stomach that makes a hormone that boosts your appetite. Sleeve weight loss surgery

It’s Different from Gastric Bypass

In gastric bypass, the surgeon makes a small pouch that skips most of your stomach, going straight to the intestine.

Gastric sleeve surgery is best for people who have a BMI (body mass index) about 40. Some people are too heavy for gastric bypass surgery, so it may be a good alternative.

Tebmedtourism Co. is a leading provider of weight loss surgery in Iran. At Tebmedtourism Co. weight loss procedures are provided by highly qualified and experienced bariatric surgeons who have undergone intensive specialist training in their specialty. Tebmedtourism healthcare provider offers sleeve gastrectomy surgery as a weight loss surgery option.

The surgery takes about an hour. Your surgeon will make a few small cuts in your belly and insert a laparoscope — an instrument with a tiny camera that sends pictures to a monitor. The surgeon will then insert other medical instruments through the additional cuts and remove 3/4 of your stomach. Finally, he’ll reattach the rest of your stomach to form the “sleeve” or tube.

You might be in the hospital about 2 or 3 days. The procedure is permanent.

? When do the celebrities get hair transplant

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When do the celebrities get hair transplant?

 Hair transplant destroy the spell of baldness. From the beginning of the humanity, baldness is a real concern of many men. Even some men scare hair loss more than death! Nowadays, there is no certain permanent hair loss preventive method, despite impressive progress in medical science and technologies. Medications like Minoxidil or Rogaine treat just a type of hair loss temporarily.

Fortunately, there is a permanent less invasive solution to treat hair loss which is getting Hair Transplant. In hair transplant procedure, a bundle of hair follicles will be removed from a part of your body, which is called “donor site” and transfer to another part of your scalp or beard or eyebrow, which is called recipient site. If the doctor performs the procedure of hair transplant properly with modern techniques, the reason appears more natural, so any one could not recognize your previous hair transplant.

Now, Let us take a look to the history of hair transplant of celebrities.

When did the Oscar winner get hair transplant?

Did you know Matthew McConaughey, 2014 Oscar winner, had got hair transplant?

An important point influencing the hair transplant results is getting hair transplant at an early stage of hair loss.

At early stages of hair loss, the doctor could fulfill your dream of cessation of hair loss and transplant hairs to the bald fields. So you will not experience baldness in your life and others believe that you do not face with hair loss.

Matthew McConaughey is a handsome artist who got hair transplant at a proper age. His hair loss start in 2000 but he vanish his hair loss by getting hair transplant.

What is the suitable age to get a hair transplant?

DHT (dihydrotestosterone) is an androgen ....... hormone that contributes to the development of male ....... characteristics like scalp hair loss.

Sylvester Stallone has high levels of DHT, the same as other men. Sylvester Stallone care his style so when he realize that his hair is getting thinner, he decided to get hair transplant to treat his reduced hair density and front hair line.

When you make your decision to get hair transplant, you expect your doctor to operate a natural-look hair transplant, not a fake one.

Therefore, if you notice Sylvester Stallone’s pictures at different time periods, you will find that his front hair line is lower at 1980 compared with the present time.

Hair transplant pros & cons

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Hair transplant pros & cons:

Hair transplant improve your style and increase your self-esteem and self-confidence. Male hair loss pattern involve many men in their life span. Many factors may decrease hair follicles strength and result in thin and weak hair including cancer, some medications, thyroid disease, anabolic steroids, genetic disorders or normal male

Although hair loss is more prevalent in male, females may experience hair loss due to alopecia, stress, feeding diseases, etc.

Hair transplant is the best and permanent treatment solution for hair loss despite few side effects and complications.

Here we will describe probable hair transplant complications and side effects.

Hair transplant advantages and pros:

  • The main purpose of hair transplant is getting a normal growing and natural hair. Hair transplant is a permanent hair loss treatment technique.
  • Hair transplant has permanent effects with life span lasting results.
  • Hair transplant will improve your style and self-confidence.
  • Hair transplant is a cost-effective procedure compared with medications.
  • Eyebrow hair transplant result seems more natural compared with micro pigmentation or tattoos.
  • Hair transplant is a safe operation that could be done in pregnant women.
  • Despite hair transplant is done under local anesthesia without any complications in cardiac and renal diseases, we recommend to consult with your doctor in case of heart and renal disease, before performing hair transplant.
    Hair transplant disadvantages and cons:
    • Temporary scalp swelling
    • Hair follicle infection
    • Scalp itching
    • Transplanted hair loss: It is a normal reaction to fall out transplanted hair in first 2 to 3 weeks, which is called “shock hair loss”. This may result in new hair growth. Most patients will experience new hair growth 8-12 months after the operation.
    • Wide ulcers and wounds.
    • Massive bleeding, especially in heavy smokers or alcoholic patients. These habits may increase hair transplant rejection.

We recommend avoiding smoking and alcohol consumption for weeks before and after hair transplant to achieve best hair transplant results.

TebMedTourism and health tourism

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TebMedTourism and health tourism

TebMedTourism Company is an International healthcare facilitator based in Tehran, Iran.

We start our professional activity in medical tourism industry regarding the profound capability of Iran in both healthcare & touristic fields.

We are ready with open arms to provide desirable services to our dear patients & guests from all over the world to enjoy world-class treatment quality and highly skilled doctors in Iran.

TebMedTourism company is cooperating with more than 40 internationally certified hospitals, 140 selected local hospitals, 300 specialized medical centers, 430 doctors, 112 hotels, domestic and international airlines in Tehran, Shiraz, Mashhad, Tabriz, Qom and other cities in Iran.

TebMedTourism team facilitate comprehensive medical & cosmetic packages in all medical & wellness & touristic fields aimed to achieve your desires.

TebMedTourism experienced team will make this procedure seamless and enjoyable from A to Z, so you will just focus on your recovery.

What should you know before considering a hair transplant?

Hair transplant is a surgical procedure that removes hair follicles from hair loss resistant part of your body and transfer to a bald part of your scalp or beard or eyebrows. Hair transplant is a permanent solution for hair loss and baldness. Therefore, hair transplant is a natural choice to treat baldness or backward front hairline. Breast Prosthesis

You may benefit natural hair transplant to treat hair loss in scalp, eyelashes, brows, beard, chest or pubis. Hair transplant could treat hair loss due to postsurgical scars.

Who is a good candidate for natural hair transplant?

  • Men with male hair loss pattern which last more than 5 years.
  • Men who realize their natural hair loss progress within taking medication.
  • Bald men for many years who desire to have a younger appearance.
  • Women and men with hair loss due to genetic disorders, trauma, postsurgical scars or burning.
    What are the hair transplant techniques?The two principal techniques for hair transplant are FUT (follicular unit transplant) or “strip” and FUE (follicular unit excision). Some hair transplant specialists use combination of FUT and FUE to increase the quality and success rate of hair transplant.In FUT techniques, the surgeon removes a strip of hair-bearing skin from the back of your scalp. Hair follicular units, compromised of one to four hairs, will be removed from the strip in a professional laboratory, before transplantation. In patients with large hair loss area, FUT technique is preferred to harvest and transplant more hair follicles in one session.


Rhinoplasty in Iran

TebMedTourism and health tourism

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TebMedTourism and health tourism

TebMedTourism Company is an International healthcare facilitator based in Tehran, Iran.

We start our professional activity in medical tourism industry regarding the profound capability of Iran in both healthcare & touristic fields.

We are ready with open arms to provide desirable services to our dear patients & guests from all over the world to enjoy world-class treatment quality and highly skilled doctors in Iran.

TebMedTourism company is cooperating with more than 40 internationally certified hospitals, 140 selected local hospitals, 300 specialized medical centers, 430 doctors, 112 hotels, domestic and international airlines in Tehran, Shiraz, Mashhad, Tabriz, Qom and other cities in Iran.

TebMedTourism team facilitate comprehensive medical & cosmetic packages in all medical & wellness & touristic fields aimed to achieve your desires.

TebMedTourism experienced team will make this procedure seamless and enjoyable from A to Z, so you will just focus on your recovery.

What should you know before considering a hair transplant?

Hair transplant is a surgical procedure that removes hair follicles from hair loss resistant part of your body and transfer to a bald part of your scalp or beard or eyebrows. Hair transplant is a permanent solution for hair loss and baldness. Therefore, hair transplant is a natural choice to treat baldness or backward front hairline. Breast Prosthesis

You may benefit natural hair transplant to treat hair loss in scalp, eyelashes, brows, beard, chest or pubis. Hair transplant could treat hair loss due to postsurgical scars.

Who is a good candidate for natural hair transplant?

  • Men with male hair loss pattern which last more than 5 years.
  • Men who realize their natural hair loss progress within taking medication.
  • Bald men for many years who desire to have a younger appearance.
  • Women and men with hair loss due to genetic disorders, trauma, postsurgical scars or burning.
    What are the hair transplant techniques?The two principal techniques for hair transplant are FUT (follicular unit transplant) or “strip” and FUE (follicular unit excision). Some hair transplant specialists use combination of FUT and FUE to increase the quality and success rate of hair transplant.In FUT techniques, the surgeon removes a strip of hair-bearing skin from the back of your scalp. Hair follicular units, compromised of one to four hairs, will be removed from the strip in a professional laboratory, before transplantation. In patients with large hair loss area, FUT technique is preferred to harvest and transplant more hair follicles in one session.


Rhinoplasty in Iran


Hair transplant in Iran

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Hair transplant in Iran

When compared with other countries I can say that Iran would be one of the best destinations in terms of hair transplant surgery.

You Can Have your Hair Back at Affordable Prices

Hair transplant operations are rather affordable in comparison to other countries. In Europe and in USA, you need a budget of 00 – 000 (depending on several factors), and yet in Iran, you need a budget around 1000$ for your hair transplant operation.

No Need to Wait for an Appointment

In many other countries, because of the lack of hair transplant surgery teams, you need to wait for long periods to make an appointment for your hair transplant, and schedule your hair transplant for a later date. In Iran, you can make an appointment for your hair transplant for an approaching date, and have your hair back very soon. Hair Transplant


You Can Enjoy Being in a Fun City as a Tourist

  • Tehran has many historical, cultural, and social attractions.
  • You can enjoy new tastes from one of the richest cuisines in the world.
  • We believe you will want to visit Iran again


Many people each year travel to Iran for hair transplantation. Based on the reports, Iran is changing to one of the leading countries for this popular surgery. But what makes it so popular to have a hair transplant in Iran?

Actually, the main reasons to choose hair transplant in Iran are two factors: low-cost hair transplant and high-quality operations and surgeons. Breast Prosthesis

Which Iran City to choose for hair transplant in Iran?

As mentioned before, most big cities in Iran have this cosmetic surgery, such as Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, Yazd, and Mashhad. But Tehran has always considered the poles of surgeries in Iran, with its professional doctors. Many patients from countries around Iran, Arabian countries and all over the world visit this city each year to do their hair transplant in Iran.

Many of these visitors decide to have touristic fun after their surgery. So after resting, they choose an Iran tour and visit any places they like in Iran. If you are one of them, just take a look at our Service(more…).

Now that you know all you need about hair transplant in Iran, you can ask us to connect you with the best surgeons in Iran. If you have any requests, questions or suggestions, please feel free quote to contact us.

Travel to Iran with peace of mind and have your hair transplant here.


Rhinoplasty in Iran