خدمات درمان پزشكي اتباع خارجي ( بيگانه )

Medical advice

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Medical advice

Individuals must be motivated to undergo hair transplant. Some surgeons conduct a formal psychological evaluation by means of lengthy questionnaires and examinations. The consultation helps ensure the patient is mature enough to decide to undergo the planned procedure. A prospective patient who has realistic motivations and expectations before the procedure is likely to be happy after the procedure. Honest and thorough pre-procedure consultation is an extremely important part of the process. 

Poor medical health is a potential contraindication for elective surgery of any kind. Individuals cannot be taking anticoagulants (eg, warfarin, aspirin) before the procedure. Good surgical judgment must be exercised when one considers surgery in individuals with potentially complicating medical conditions. Age is not a medical contraindication, as these procedures have been performed on men in their late 70. However, ensure that such patients provide medical clearance from their internist. 

Perhaps no single hair-loss condition calls for more conservatism in judgment than premature male pattern baldness. Teenagers and men in their early 20 are particularly self-conscious about hair loss because most of their peers still have full heads of hair. These young men often hold unrealistic expectations, desiring a youthful hairline that will not be appropriate as they age. Worse, early surgical correction uses a large number of donor hairs, which will be sparse in the future, potentially resulting in an unnatural look and a disappointed patient.  Breast Prosthesis

In general, attempt to delay the proceedings in individuals in their 20s or younger. When counseling young men about hair loss, it is advised to use a conservative approach to give patients time to consider hair transplantation. If the patient and surgeon agree on transplantation, restore a relatively high hairline and encourage the patient to use minoxidil or finasteride for the crown region. Perhaps in the future, as effective medical therapies that end or substantially slow male pattern baldness progression become available, a less conservative approach can be taken.

Rhinoplasty in Iran

male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness

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As the rates change so soon these days and get cheaper for you, you have to contact us to get informed about the day prices of currency and thus, hair transplant cost. So please feel free quote to contact our Iran travel agent. We are always ready to answer you.

Hair loss in men almost always is due to androgenic pattern baldness, which is usually referred to as male pattern baldness. Although the exact cause of pattern balding is unclear, the trait is transmitted by means of a polygenic type of inheritance.

In women, most hair loss is also genetic, although women have an increased incidence of hair loss caused by medical conditions, such as hormonal imbalance, trichotillomania, and post-stress telogen effluvium. Interestingly, even with androgenic alopecia in women, there appears to be an additional inflammatory contribution to hair loss, as scalp biopsies often reveal a localization of lymphocytic folliculitis around the stem-cell–containing bulge region of the hair follicle.  As with male pattern baldness, female pattern androgenic hair loss is progressive. Breast Prosthesis

Nearly all men and most women who have androgenic or inherited pattern baldness can be treated with hair transplantation. As in all other elective cosmetic surgeries, the most important patient selection criterion in hair transplantation is the individual’s motivation. Results of hair transplantation are usually most dramatic when the procedure is performed on individuals with advanced degrees of hair loss. In general, the greater the degree of hair loss, the larger the number of grafts transplanted.

Hair transplantation may not be the most effective therapy for some medical causes of hair loss; in some instances, it exacerbates the condition. Therefore, workup to rule out other treatable causes of hair loss is important, especially in women, in whom nongenetic etiologies for the hair loss are more common than in men. 


In addition to male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness, a variety of conditions can be successfully treated with hair transplantation. Scarring of the scalp due to trauma or surgery and hair loss due to traction (seen with the extended wearing of hair pieces or trichotillomania) can be repaired with hair transplantation. Finally, hair transplantation can be successfully used to restore hair to the eyebrows; eyelashes; beard, mustache, or goatee area; and even to areas of the body, such as the pubis or chest. 

Hair Transplant in Iran

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Hair Transplant in Iran

Hair loss occurs in more than 60% of men and in approximately 10% of women. Although a lack of scalp hair can potentially increase the risk of actinic damage and skin cancer, male and female pattern baldness are conditions that are, with few exceptions, treated electively.

Balding is a major concern for many, and surgery to treat hair loss (ie, hair transplantation) is the most common cosmetic surgery procedure performed on men today. Yet, the market for hair transplantation is dwarfed by the immense market for products that treat hair loss without surgery.

These products, which include shampoos, hair-care cosmetics, scalp massage, laser combs, and many more, have no proven efficacy except for their ability to temporarily increase the volume of existing hair, resulting in a denser appearance than before. Exceptions are the two medications the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved: minoxidil (Rogaine, available over the counter in the United States) and finasteride (Propecia, available by prescription only for men), which have limited but definite benefit. Rhinoplasty in iran


Hair Transplant Interest will probably increase as the knowledge that most modern hair transplant techniques can create virtually undetectable restoration spreads. To this day, hair transplant remains the treatment of choice for most patients with hair loss.

One of the most rapidly growing segments of hair transplant is hair transplant in women. Surgical hair restoration was developed for and has traditionally been used in males. Newer techniques are more adaptable to females

Rhinoplasty in Iran

Pros and cons of dental veneers

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Pros and cons of dental veneers:

Having a Hollywood smile with white and brilliant teeth is a dream for many people over the world.

Hollywood smile improve your self-confidence. White and brilliant teeth indicate your dental and mouth hygiene. Hollywood smile ignore your face defects and makes you more attractive.

The most important advantage of Hollywood smile is the fact that the procedure will not harm and damage your teeth.

If you have decayed, damaged and broken teeth, dental veneer is the choice treatment

plan to make Hollywood smile.

Who is not a good candidate for Hollywood smile?

-numerous decayed teeth

-active gum diseases and infections

-weak multiple teeth root

-patients with bad habits and psychological disorders (obsessive convulsive disorders)


Advantages of dental veneers:

-few treatment sessions (2-3 sessions)

-making a Hollywood smile as you desire

-natural looking appearance

-individualized treatment plan by your cosmetic dentist regarding your teeth condition

-making strong and resistant teeth

-correction of teeth color and shape

Disadvantages of dental veneers:

-high dental veneers cost

-irreversibility of dental veneers

-sensitivity of teeth to hot or cold liquids

-minor damage to dental enamel

-careful care to avoid breaking and cracking dental veneers

-restricted lifespan


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Hollywood smile

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Hollywood smile
To achieve a beautiful smile aka Hollywood smile, some changes are needed to be made in the length of teeth, the shape of the gums and the distance between the teeth. Having a healthy and well-designed set of teeth, not only makes your smile beautiful but also improves your self-esteem greatly.  If your teeth are proportional to your mouth, you will have a lovely and demanding face. Therefore in order to attain that Hollywood smile, you need to see a cosmetic dentist equipped with the necessary expertise.


Hollywood smile in general means showing off the gums and teeth in a desirable condition that increases your charm and beauty. The procedure of improving the smile should be done by a skilled dentist who is experienced and well versed in cosmetic dentistry field.  They will apply various methods to give you that Hollywood smile. Here are some of these methods:

Methods of making Hollywood smile:

There are various options to improve the visual appearance of teeth and each treatment has its own traits. These methods are:

Teeth Whitening (Bleaching ,banding):
This method is a common and safe dental procedure that is mostly used for the teeth that are cracked or have changed color. Teeth whitening also applied for removing gaps between teeth or to reshape and resize them. This treatment takes less than an hour. The Colors in this method are varied and your dentist would choose a shade that mostly matches your teeth color. This treatment is performed either at home or at a dentistry office or a combination of both (recommended method) to achieve best results.

Porcelain Veneers, composite veneers, (dental laminate) :
Recently, Veneers has been very popular among actors and celebrities as a method to achieve Hollywood smile. Veneers actually works as a layer covering teeth and removes any deformity in teeth appearance such as misalignments, deviations, cracks, etc. Veneers gift you an amazing smile.

Crown is another method applied to make Hollywood smile. Crown is known as the fastest method to correct damaged teeth. Crowns could create wonderful results. Crowns would last relatively long (not as long as veneers). Its material is ceramic and the color will be match with your teeth and since  no healthy tooth tissue is going to be removed, it doesn’t harm your teeth.


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Holly wood smile in iran

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Holly wood smile in iran 
Compared to the crowns, less enamel is removed when veneers are placed. The veneers are a good option for patients, who want to change a little the shape of the tooth. If the crookedness is too much, crowns may be required .hollywood smile

dental veneer

During the first appointment, the dentist decides whether veneers are the appropriate choice for a patient. The teeth and gums must be healthy; any diseases and decays will be treated before placing veneers. If a patient clenches or grinds the teeth, veneers may chip or break easily. Special plastic guards may be suggested to wear while sleeping. The dentist takes X-Ray to detect any issues.

If the teeth are healthy, the dentist prepares teeth for veneers. A local injection is made to numb the area. After the anesthetics work, the dentist removes a thin layer of frontal surface (the amount is nearly equal to the thickness of the veneer). He or she makes impressions of the tooth or teeth and sends them to the laboratory, where the veneers will be prepared in 2-4 weeks. During that period, the patient may wear temporary veneers. With the help of the dentist, the patient chooses the appropriate shade for the future veneers.hollywood smile

At the next appointment, the dentist fixes the prepared veneers to check the size and the color. After he or she achieves the proper fit, the veneers are finally placed on the tooth. Regular dental visits are a must for keeping the teeth healthy. It is possible for veneers to come loose over time (7-15 years depending on the patient). The dentist will offer to place the new one or maybe even choose the new way of treatment.hollywood smile

Dental veneers require no special care, but oral hygiene must be kept. Every day brushing, flossing, and rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash are recommended.

Hollywood smile in Iran : Nowadays, cosmetic dentistry is one the most interesting treatments all around the world and you can find a dentist in Iran with the high quality of work and at a fair price. And the dentists in Iran has lots of tools and methods to make you smile better.


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Hollywood Smile in Iran

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Hollywood Smile in Iran

Hollywood smile in iran :The dental veneer is a wafer-thin, tooth-colored layer of material placed over the frontal teeth. This is used to improve the appearance by restoring the size, shape, and length of teeth.  If a patient wants to improve the smile, dental veneers are a simple option. They look like natural teeth.

Hollywood smile in iran :A dentist may offer dental veneers to correct a wide range of dental issues, such as:

  • Discolored teeth that can’t be corrected by whitening (root canal treatment, tetracycline or other drugs, excessive fluoride causes the discoloration of the tooth)
  • Worn teeth
  • Chipped or broken teeth
  • Misaligned or crooked teeth
  • Irregularly shaped teeth, which can be restored by veneers
  • Veneers used to close the gaps between the frontal teeth


The dentist will help with the choice of veneer material:

  • Porcelain veneers are strong and last long, more resistant than composite resin veneers. They look like natural teeth and mimic the light reflecting properties, resistant to the stains.
  • Composite resin veneers can be repaired easily and quickly, although they are less resistant than porcelain veneers. Composite resin veneers cost less and a few visits to the dentist are needed.hollywood smile

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IVF cost in Iran

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  • : IVF cost in Iran

Due to the latest Iran’s currency devaluation, now high quality medical services are available at much affordable prices. Iran has a good ranking in the world in total medical science especially in infertility treatments. The success rate of IVF in Iran is higher than world average. The average IVF cost in Iran is as affordable as 1,800-2,500$ for one total IVF cycle.

Comparison of IVF cost in Iran and other countries:

IVF cost in other countries like Turkey, India, Jordan, Europe and USA are much more than IVF cost in Iran. For example, the average IVF cost in Turkey is 3,000-4,000$, India 4,000-5,000$, Europe 4,500-6,000$ and USA 10,000-18,000$.

IVF and ....... selection by PGD:

Nowadays, the .......uality of infant is important for many parents. It’s possible to determine the gender of your child by IVF and ....... selection by PGD methods. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a procedure used prior to implantation to determine probable genetic disorders and gender of child. This technique is done in high-tech laboratories by embryologists.

What is IVF and ....... selection by PGD technique?

IVF and PGD is a scientific method used to determine the gender of your child, as you desire.

Today, development of scientific and laboratory techniques have facilitate determination of the gender of your child preimplantation in uterus.

IVF and ....... selection by PGD is done in scientific fertility clinics by infertility treatment specialists and embryologists, despite some moral and religious opposition.

IVF and ....... selection by PGD has approved by health ministry and religious centers in Iran and is done frequently.

IVF and ....... selection is performed in infertility clinics by PGD technique.

In this technique, the ovium (egg) fertilize by the sperm in laboratory environment.

In 3rd or 5th days after fertilization and cell division, some eggs (embryos) will be selected for genetic test or ....... selection.

Here we will explain IVF and ....... selection by PGD technique and the advantage and disadvantage of IVF and ....... selection by PGD.

Selected eggs are used to determine gender and probable chromosomal disorders of embryo. This technique is also useful to prevent chromosomal disorders like Down syndrome.

What is the benefit of IVF and ....... selection by PGD?

IVF and ....... selection by PGD will determine the gender of your infant with a high success rate (95-99%). IVF and ....... selection by PGD will prevent genetic and chromosomal disorder transmission from parents to the child.

In some types of genetic disorders, called x-related genetic disorders, father or mother or both are transferor of special genetic diseases to their child. In these x-related genetic disease, IVF and ....... selection by PGD will be useful.

After IVF and ....... selection by PGD, parents could decide to give birth to the affected child or not. So they could prevent transmission of the familial genetic disease to their next generations.



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IVF and egg donation

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IVF and egg donation

IVF and egg donation is a gold standard technique for infertility treatment.

Many couples suffer from infertility problems over the world. Many factors may result in infertility including male or female fertilization problems.

First of all, the reason of infertility of the couples should be recognized. If the wife could not produce effective oviums (eggs), the best treatment is IVF and egg donation.

Infertility treatment by IVF and egg donation:

One of the prevalent causes of infertility in women is producing inefficient ovium (egg) that could not involve in fertilization properly due to genetic or acquired disorders. In this case, IVF and egg donation is the best treatment choice.

IVF and egg donation will be the choice treatment method if the woman does not respond to medications and other treatments, for example due to elder age, early menopause, hormonal imbalance or ovarian diseases, despite healthy fertilization anatomy.

In this case, the soul treatment method will be egg donation from a volunteer donor.

In IVF and egg donation, the donated egg will be fertilized in laboratory environment with the man’s sperm and the embryo (fetus) will be transfer to the mother’s uterine.

IVF and egg donation is the most prevalent and appropriate method in infertile women with high success rate.

Requirements for IVF and egg donation:

The maximum age for IVF and egg donation is 48 years old. In elder ages, the abortion risk will increase and the woman should be under precise observations.

Before performing IVF and egg donation, the couple’s health should be evaluated by careful physical and laboratory tests.

The acceptable age of the egg donor is 21-34 years old.

Physical characteristic’s similarity like eye color, skin type and hair color

of the donor and the couple is preferred.

The egg donor should be screened for genetic disorders and infectious diseases like hepatitis, HIV, syphilis, etc.

Egg donation is performed by fresh egg or frozen egg. The success rate is approximately equal in both techniques. The duration of IVF and egg donation cycle for fresh egg is 2-3 month while IVF and egg donation cycle for frozen egg is 1-1.5 months.

The Chances of Successful IVF Pregnancy

The comparison of IVF cost in Iran and neighboring countries:


IVF cost is an important factor for couples to choose their medical travel destination. Many couples are not able to treat their infertility problem due to poor financial state. In these conditions, high quality fertility centers along with affordable costs are golden opportunities.

In this article we discuss about the factors affecting IVF cost and IVF cost comparison in Iran and other countries.

What is IVF? What are the factors affecting IVF cost?

IVF is an infertility treatment technique. IVF cost depends on many factors.

In IVF, laboratory fertilization is used to make an embryo and the embryo transfer to the uterus. First step is to determine the infertility cause and the treatment plan will set in accordance with the infertility reason. Treatment plans include egg donation, sperm donation, surrogacy, etc.

Generally, IVF cost depends on many factors such as:

Fertility clinic’s quality

Pre IVF prescription drugs like .......ual enhancement drugs

Fertility specialist’s experience

Donated egg or donated sperm price

Embryo transfer costs

Pregnancy period costs

Childbirth costs

Other costs.There is a wrong belief that “expensive centers have better results”. It is not a right belief. In fact, there is no meaningful relationship between the success rate of IVF and IVF costs. Specialist’s experience and the couple’s general and mental condition are the main reasons that affect IVF success rate. Anyway, if you have made your decision to do IVF for your infertility treatment, you may encounter these questions: -How much does IVF cost?-Where is the best destination for IVF regarding my financial state?-Is Iran a good destination for IVF?

-What are the cons and pros of IVF in Iran?

-How much do accommodation and travel costs in Iran? Is it cost-effective for me or not?



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IVF procedure

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: IVF procedure

Preliminary sonography:
The preliminary sonography is aimed at examining the condition of the uterus for fertilization. Sonography provides information about the condition of ovaries, follicles and the blood flow to ovaries.

Secondary sonography
On the fifth day of menstruation cycle, another sonography is done. During this sonography the growth of follicles and the thickness of endometrium is examined. The growth of follicles eventually causes ovulation and estrogen production. At this time in order to examine the estrogen of serum, two blood tests will be done. At this stage your doctor might consider applying some technologically advanced techniques such as hysteroscopy which can increase the success rate of IVF significantly according to scientific studies.

IVF procedure preparation:
Before commencing the IVF procedure, in case you have irregular menstruation cycles your doctor prescribes progesterone.  After 6 days taking progesterone, some doctors might prescribe medications to induce ovulation.

Proceeding with IVF:
IVF procedure starts with menstruation and on the second day of the period, blood tests and vaginal sonography is done. Sonography is aimed at examining the size of follicles and the blood test is to determine the level of estrogen and estradiol.


·         Testing and stimulating the ovaries:
At this stage, ovaries are stimulated by fertility drugs. Usually these drugs are injectable and you need to have one to four injections a day for a period of seven to 10 days. These drugs help ovary stimulation and controls the growth of oocyte (immature egg).

Oocyte maturation:
At this stage HCG is injected. The timely injection of HSG is very important. If HCG is injected prematurely egg would not become completely mature and in case of postponing the injection, the egg would become too mature. Normally HCG is injected when the size of follicle has reached to 18 to 20 millimeters and the level of estrogen has reached to over 2000 pg/ml.

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